Mona's Family Tree

Mona is descended from a long and glorious line of cat bear things. I didn't make this, and I have no idea who half the characters on it are. It's also missing a few characters. Honestly, I'm convinced some of these are made up.

See also: Giko's Family Tree

   1st Gen Monar
    ∩_∩     ∧ ∧
   ( ´∀`)    (´⊇`)
 Round-Ear Monar  Mohya
   ( ´∀`)
  Current Monar
  |   ∧_∧  ∧_∧   ∧_∧  ∧_∧  ∧_∧  ∧∧∧
  |   ( ’∀’) ( ´曲`) ( ´▼`) (' д `) ( O O ) ( `皿´)
  |   Ganar   Tenar   Ganar   Yonar  hibagu   ochilar
  |                             (non-bug?)
  ∧_∧         ∧_∧   ∧_∧   ∧_∧    other subspecies
  ( ・∀・)───┬─( TДT) <丶`∀´>  ( ^×^)
   Moralar.    .|   Mokar   Nida     Monei
    |      .│          │           |
    |         │       Nida genus    ┌┴────┐
    |  \ | / ∧_∧           ∧_∧ ハゥッ!  ∧_∧
    |  ― Θ ―( ・∀・)          ( *^×^)彡   ( ・*・)
    |  / °\( つ  つ         SenzuriMonei  Analar
    |      Nokar             (WankMonei)
    |   ┌┴──┬────────────┬─────┬───────┐
  │   /⌒\          ∧_∧ ∧_∧.    ∧∞ ∧       888888
  │   (    )         ( ・  ・)(    )   (,, ・∀・)        ( ・≧・)─┬─etc
  │   |   | Maralar     (   ∀ )( ・∀・)    Morako       Fellatio   │
  │   ( ・∀・)             Momolar(?)      │               etc
  │     │「Maralar Bros」        │     ┌─┴──┬─────┐
  │                      ∧_∧    ∧-∧   ∧_∧   ΛwwΛ
  │  /⌒\     /⌒\      ( __ __)  / ノハλ) / ノノハ)  ξノ))ヘ)ヽ
  │ (  ・∀・) ─ ( ^人^ )      (6 ・ 」・)  8 ノ ・∀・ノj o ・∀・ノo ζ・∀・ノ
  │    Marapo     Kitoh      (  ∀)           Moraly    Mana
  │  (Maraboy?)  (2編出身)     Paipan
( ・∀・)               円_円      人        other subspecies
ジサクジエン             ¥・∀・¥    (__)
  ├───┬────┐    Manny     \(__)/
 ( ゚∀゚) (´∀`)  その他の亜種         ( ・∀・ )
  アヒャ   ジゴウジトク                Unko
  |   |
 (^∀^) (´Д`)
  ゲラ  オイヨー
