
  88888   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
 ( ・≧・)< Fel-fel-fellatio
 (    ) │
 | | |  \__________

Fellatio (フェラーチョ) (Yes, that is indeed his actual name) is a gang leader. He is a Latin American man with curly hair, but his gang is set up more like an Italian mafia. He's also a pedophile who likes to rape and murder children.

Fellatio has a crush on Mona, but is to shy to admit it. He is also portrayed as Gana's husband.

◆ Fellatio family tree / incest diagram ◆

                       88888  couple 88888  rape  ∧米∧
                         (・〓・  )─┬─(’≦’ )─┬─ (, ・∀・)
                           Papa     |     Mama   │  Monamerican Soldiers
                                  │       ,,'⌒丶
┌─────────────────┐  |       ( ・ρ・)
│                              │  |      half-brother (murdered by Fellatio)
│ ∧_∧ siblings ∧_∧  relationship │  |
│( ´∀`)――― ( ’∀’) ――┬――― 888888   rape      ∧∞∧
│ Mona      Gana    ┌―┘   ┌ ( ・≧・)――─┬――( ・∀・)
│                      |       |  Fellatio     |   Moralar♀
│                88888       |             |
│                   ( ’∀’) ―┬┘rape        │
│               Fellatina   |(relatives)         |
│                 ┌――┴――┐          │
│  rape   ∧∧ love?  888 siblings 88888 rape ∧∞∧  rape   ∧_∧
└──┬── (*'・') ───('∀`)    ( ゚ρ゚ )─┬─( ・≧・)――┬――( ・∀・)
      │    ?      Musuniyo   Fenyor  │  Hikikorita?   |   Moralar♂
      │   Suicide                       │ (real name  ∧∧
    888                         ∧8∧ unknown) (・≦・)
     ('・'*)                          (・ρ・)         child
    child                         child
           888888__ ポッ
        /(・≦・* ) ヽ
       / と と  ) /
    /~ ̄~ ̄⌒⌒ ̄)
  /  ≦≦≦≦ /
.,/  ≦≦≦≦  /
