
   ∧_∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  ( ´∀`) < オマエモナー
  (    )   \____ 
  | | |

This guy here is Mona (aka Monā, Moner, or Monar)! He is the most guy of 2chn, if not one of the top guys of all time. He's representative of a generic Japanese person/2channel user. His friends are Moralar, Giko, and Shii.

Mona's Back

 (    )
 ( O   )
 │ │ │

This is the rear end of Mona. Notice his cute round tail. We call him a cat, but he's technically part cat part bear. Don't ask me how that works biologically.

Mona: Origins

         / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\
          |  You guys    |
   ∩_∩  |  have too   |
  (´ー`) <  much spare  |
  (   )  |  time.      |
   | | |   |           |
  (___)__)   \_____/

Mona is thought to have originated on either Ayashii World or Amezou, which were both precursors to 2ch. He looked more bearlike then, and his catchphrase was "おまえらも暇な奴らだなぁ""omae-ra mo himana yatsurada nā", translating to "You guys have too much spare time", a saying used to remind internet users to go touch grass.

Then someone replied to a Mona with another Mona saying "マエモナー"/"omae mona", meaning, "So do you!" or "Look who's talking!" That instantly became Mona's new catchphrase.
