A A___  コンニチハ エー トモウシマス
   /(*゚ー゚) /\ ヨロシクオネガイシマス
 /| ̄∪∪ ̄|\/
   |        |/
     ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄

A (エー) is a derivative of Shii with stripy A-shaped ears. Her personality is the opposite of Shii's: A is good with words, but lacks common sense.

A Derivatives:

A has several derivatives, who are collectively referred to as "A-eared AA" or "Ura AA" ("Ura" translates to "backwards" or "reverse"). They are the shadowy opposite versions of AA characters, and control the secretive "Ura 2channel".


  A_A   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
 ( ・∀・)< Because you always say nice things,
 (つ   )  \   I will appear.
 | | |    \____________

Uralar (ウララー) is a derivative of Moralar with stripy A-shaped ears. Unlike Moralar, who is the voice of reason, Uralar encourages malice and evil.


      A A
~" ̄ ̄(,,゚Д゚)

   と   O
  ~(  /´

Ego Neko (エゴ猫) is a derivative of Giko with stripy A-shaped ears. Unlike Giko, who is meaner and more masculine, Ego is a pathetic and lazy virgin. He wants to date A, but she hates him and rejects his advances.

Many of the other Ura AA have names start with U, but his name comes from the letter A (A-eared Giko → Aegiko → Ego).


  (  ゚∀゚)
  (     )
  | | |

Uhya (ウヒャ) is a derivative of Ayah with stripy A-shaped ears. Unlike Ayah, who is violent and deranged, Uhya is friendly. He also has a knife, but it's just for chopping vegetables.


       U  |
     ~|  |

Fi (フィー) is a derivative of Tsuu with stripy A-shaped ears. Unlike Tsuu, who is a troublemaker, Fi is serious and peaceful.


    ( ´∀`)
    (    )
    | | |

Ura (ウラー) is a derivative of Mona with stripy A-shaped ears. He is mostly the same as Mona, except he is a siscon.

┌ ∧_∧────────┐
| ( ,, ゚w゚)  『 Ura AA 』 ? |

    【モナー】     【モララー】     【ギコ猫】        【しぃ】

     ∧_∧      ∧_∧                   ∧ ∧__
    ( ´∀`)     ( ・∀・)                  /(*゚ー゚) ./\
    (    )      (    )          ∧∧    /| ̄∪∪ ̄|\/
    | | |        | | |     ~′ ̄ ̄(,,゚Д゚)     |        |/
    (__)_)      (__)_)    UU ̄U U          ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
     A_A       A_A                    A A___
    ( ´∀`)     ( ・∀・)                  /(*゚ー゚) ./\
    (    )      (    )          A A     /| ̄∪∪ ̄|\/
    | | |        | | |     ~′ ̄ ̄(,,゚Д゚)     |        |/
    (__)_)      (__)_)    UU ̄U U          ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄

    【ウラー】     【ウララー】     【エゴ猫】        【エー】

    ┌────────────────────────── ∧ ∧┐
    |Ura, Ego Neko, Uralar, A... Also known as the 『A-eared tribe』, (゚-;;゚#) |
    |they're the shadows of the four major AAs, who control Ura 2ch.   |
