
    /;; ;;っ ヒガシ~
  ~;; ;; ノ

Di (でぃ) is a version of Shii that has been abandoned and abused. She started out as an Afoshii, but over time she became her own separate character.

Di is incredibly traumatized and rarely smiles. However, she optimistic that things cannot get any worse for her. Moralar no longer abuses her, and instead takes pity on her sorry state.

        __∧_,,, ___  hrmm... I can't stand it...
     /|;';;':::∪∪:;'  |\/
       |#:;';;___#  |/:::::::::::::::




   (*´;O゙) Kiiy!
 ~(;; ;; ;; ;;)
   (/ し'

                     ,,,_ζ ムシャムシャ
                   , ,つ)⊂)ペチョペチョ
                  c(o`ノ;; ;;;;)

Bi (びぃ) is a Shii that has been abused to the extent that she is barely even a person. Like a zombie, she has no intelligence and is driven by her hunger. She will even eat her own babies! Bi does not talk, and makes zombie-like screams instead.

However, some 2ch users found Bi cute, and use her in more wholesome stories. Due to her similarities with Di, they are sometimes portrayed as friends.

    アゥァゥ~    ハラ ヘッタネ
   ,,,_ζ    ,,,_∧
   (#´;;-゙)   (#゚;;-゚)
  /U;; ;U   ノU;;;U
~(;; ;; ;;/  ~(;; ;;;/ グギュルルル
  U"U    U"U


     ζ_  ./)
   ⊂;;;  /

Vi (う゛ぃ) are creatures that came from Bi's body. They are very hungry and eat anything that they see. There aren't very many Vi because they have a tendency to eat their own children.

Their ears are not injured, they were actually born like that. Jean-Baptiste Lamarck would probably love this character.


.    (#゚;∀゚)ニシ~
    |U ;;;|      ∧_,,,
  ~|;;; ;;;;|   . (#゚;∀゚)    ハ_,,
      U~U    ~(;;_;;;_;)   ~(;;(#゚∀゚)

Deyu (でゅ) is Tsuu after having been abused. Unlike Di, Deyu does not feel pain, and is willing to take revenge against anyone who hurts her.


    /  |

  /つ |つ
~(   ヽ

E (いー) is the result of a failed attempt to rehabilitate a Di back into a Shii. He is a male cat, who is knowledgeable in philosophy, and a therapist with psychic powers.
