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Mythology has always been a really big deal to me. Sometime in (third grade? i dunno) I borrowed D'aulaires' Book of Greek Myths from the school library and instantly became obsessed. Then in the fifth grade I noticed they had one with Norse Myths and read the shit out of that as well.

I feel like almost everybody my age went through a similar phase as a child, either because they had to learn about it in school, or they were really into Percy jackson, or something like that. And thus, statements like "Zeus fucked a lot" and "the Trojan War started because of godesses fighting over an apple" become common knowledge. However, I've noticed that this generally only seems to be the case for Greek myths, and occasionally a few Norse or Egyptian myths. There's got to be more than just that, people!

So, I'm going to find out more about different myths, and share them with you.
