Canaanite Mythology

If you enough English to be reading this, you probably know at least a little bit about the Abrahamic religions. It's common knowledge that Judiasm was the first one, Christianity branched out from it, and Islam was influenced by both of them. There are a few other, more obscure ones as well, that are heavily influenced by one or more of these three. But if all of these religions originated from Judiasm, where did Judiasm originate from?

Canaan was an ancient civilization in the middle east that worshipped a pantheon of gods. The original Isrealites were a type of Canaanite, but unlike the other Canaanites they were henotheists, which meant that they believed in multiple gods but only worshipped one of them. Eventually, the Isrealites decided that there was only one god, and that the other ones never actually existed.

I was raised Catholic, and as a child the Bible stories that I read often mentioned the Canaanites and their gods. However, said Bible stories didn't go into very much detail about what they were like, other than that they were 'evil idol worshippers' that the Isrealites conquered. I think learning about Canannite mythology and culture has given me a fresh perspective on my religion and the stories that I grew up with.



El was the king of the gods; his name literally translates to 'god'. He was associated with creation, wisdom, authority, and the earth.


Ashera was El's wife and the queen of the gods. She was associated with fertility, motherhood, and nature, as well as love, beauty, and sex. El and Ashers had 70 children together, each of which became a patron deity for one of the 70 nations of the world.

Her symbols were the lion and the 'Ashera poles' (sacred poles near temples where she was worshipped).


Baal Hadad was a god of life, fertility, weather, and the seasons. In the Baal Cycle, he defeated El and became the new king of the gods. Hadad's symbols were the bull and the lightning bolt.

Baal Hadad was often called 'Baal' for short. This can get a little confusing, because the word 'baal' literally translates to 'lord', and a lot of deities were called 'Baal [deity name]'. However, the deity in the Old Testament called 'Baal' is Hadad. Also, the demon 'Beelzebub' is a pun on his other name 'Baal Saphon'.


Mot was the god of death and the underworld, and he was associated with drought and sterility. He was regarded as an evil deity with an insatiable appetite, and his jaws are said to encompass the earth.


Baal Cycle

