
  ,∧_∧    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  X ノ ハヘ X   |  わたし「レモナ」、モナー君と同棲中。キャ♪
  |゚ノ ^∀^)  <
 §,    )    |  モナ板のみんな、これからもよろしくね!
  !!|  Y |      \_____________

Remona is Mona's girlfriend.

Remona: Origins

  XΛ_ΛX  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  ( ^∀^)< オレモナ~
  (    )  \____
  | Y |

Remona was originally just a version of Mona with Xs next to her ears, and their name was "カチューシャ"/"Kachuusha" which translates to "Headband".

Kaschuusha was a creepy stalker and a crossdresser1.



      x∧∧x パパ~♪ママ~♪
     _ソ 、ノ´

Mona and Remona's daughter. In the lore of the thread where she was created, Mona and Remona were created as bioweapons, so she is also a powerful fighter.

Black Remona

  +ノ ハヘ +
  |・ノ "-")
  !!|  Y |

Black Remona was a bioweapon created to destroy Remona, but she was defeated by Remona's kindness, and became an "older sister" figure to her.

1This characterization feels really transphobic.2

2Not that I expect the average Japanese person from the 2000's to have an accurate understanding of what transgender people are actually like, but still.
