
   (  *゚w゚) Nomanoma, yay!!
   (    )
   | | |

When Koi No Maiahi became popular, the Japanese entertainement company Avex Inc. asked the creator to make an official version to sell as a music video. This version of the video replaced the AA characters with generic off-brand versions, though nobody noticed or cared at first.

Avex Inc. later announced that they would sell merchandise of “Nomaneko” (のまネコ) meaning "Drinking Cat", and they tried to apply a trademark for the character. 2ch users saw this as plagirism, and were disgusted that someone would try to rip off of Mona to create a marketable character. Some were so angry that they made death threats! Avex Inc. eventually dropped the trademark application in response to this outrage, but they still sell merch of the character.

                    わいてるぞ ∧_∧
                           (・∀・ )     ∧∧
      _∧ ∧___               (    )    (゚ー゚;∩さっさとやりましょう
     /.(*゚w゚*) /\               Y  人     (|  ,ノ
   /| ̄∪∪ ̄|\/              (__)__)    |  |~
     |____|/                          し`J

                    駆除完了! ∧_∧    ∧∧
                            ( ・∀・)   (*゚ー゚) いいことしたら
        ∬                  (    )   |⊃| 気持ちがスカッとするわ
       、,i,,.,ヘ、 ,.._.,i,               人  Y   ~|  0
     c(。,;メ,`#)@;,#;;∴;,.;,@つ         し(__)   し'´
       "^~゙;: "⊂∵⊃



  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
 .|  My name is Nomatako. Nice to meet you!!
  \_ ___________
     V     __
  ┏━━┓   | |
  ┃・∀・┃日 / ヽ
┗╋━━╋┛ |米|
  ┛    ┗   |酒|
             . ̄

Nomatako (のまタコ) was an AA octopus character created by 2ch users in response to Nomaneko. It is thought to be based off the logo of Ayumi Hamasaki, a singer who works for Avex inc.


   ▲[ ̄]
   ( *・w・) Let's protect the stray cats!!
   (    )
   | | |

Momaneko (まもネコ) is a character that tries to protect Nomaneko from abuse, even if it means she herself will be slaughtered instead. She is wearing a hat.
