Dogisaga / Kyung Comics

A comic about two rabbits, Kyung and Jangmi, and their dad Marmalade. Kyung: 'Where is Mummy-Pong?' Marmalade: 'Mummy-Pong is now a weekend mum.' Jangmi: 'Why is that dad?' Marmalade: 'Cuz I am GAY and like men!' Kyung: 'But what does being happy have to do with liking men?' Jangmi: 'Kyung you are disabled be quiet.'

Warning: This article contains mentions of racism, antisemitism, transphobia, ableism, fatphobia, slurs, conspiracy theories, and anti-Irish discrimination. I don't condone any of these things, I am just describing them.

If any of these things trigger you, please go back.

enter the rabbit hole

Dogisaga is (was?) an artist with some very, very odd ideologies. He1 made comics about two rabbit siblings named Kyung and Jangmi, who live in a world of kawaii talking animals. Most of the comics are confusing author tracts, but some are pretty funny. He also made a conlang called "Dogiskriptif".

At one point, Dogisaga was a racist, mentally ill Asian woman(?) married to a neo-nazi.2 He later divorced said neo-nazi, and rebranded himself as antiracist-dogisaga on DeviantArt. However, he still appears to hold some questionable views, such as Hibernophobia, denial of the Irish Potato Famine and the Dresden Bomings, and being anti-psychiatry and anti-trans healthcare. Although, pretty much every aspect of Dogisaga seems bizarre and contradictory, so maybe it's all made up and he's just trolling us.

I'm pretty sure Dogisaga is trans, but in what direction? On his old website, he described himself as female, but his current DeviantArt page consistently uses he/him pronouns, so that is what I will be using for him.

On his old webiste, Dogisaga described himself this way:
Hello I am Mrs Dogi the creator of Dogisaga and Dogiskriptif.

I am a pink-dog-kin, a white woman of colour and i have 2 autistic diagnosises. I am also a Pro-Pink-Dog-Nationalist against Lizards and their antizionism. My Pro-Pink-Dog-Nationalist husband Mr Dogi is also against antizionist lizards too. When i am not warning the world of the evil globalist satanic pedophile lizards, i am thinking of more ways to expose the disgusting lizards.
(Note that pink dogs are an allegory for whites/Europeans, and lizards are an allegory for Jews.)


Various colorful rabbit characters, crocheted out of felt.

Kyung & Family

KyungA small yellow rabbit character with closed eyes. She is saying '경'.

Kyung (경) is the main character of Dogisaga's Kyung Comics. She has an autism diagnosis that may or may not be accurate3, and is also described as a 'ret*rd' with down syndrome.

3Dogisaga seems to believe that autism diagnoses are part a conspiracy to gaslight children.

JangmiA small pink rabbit character with wide open eyes. She is saying '장미'.

Jangmi (장미) is Kyung's mean sister. She has Borderline Personality Disorder, which she uses as an excuse for repeatedly stabbing Kyung. In some comics, she is unhealthily fat but refuses to acknowledge this.

A tall rabbit character with a hot pink body, a yellow head, a light pink face, and closed eyes that are slanted inwards. He is rolling a pair of dice.
Marmalade is Kyung and Jangmi's horrible dad. When he isn't exaggerating Kyung's autism symptoms (which may or may not be real in the first place), he's overfeeding his children to the point of unhealthiness. Marmalade is FTM transgender.


Poong is Kyung and Jangmi's biological mother, and Marmalade's ex-wife. She was born without arms or a torso. Poong is MTF transgender, and has Fu Manchu-like facial hair.


Jason is Poong's son and Kyuing and Jangmi's brother. Like his mom, he was born without arms or a torso. He seems to resent his parents for deciding to give birth to him, but they reassure him that there is nothing wrong with not having a digestive system.


Pozzed Cat

A pink cat that loves giving stories about positive situations.


Dogs are the main type of character in Dogisaga's Lizard Comics. They live on the Dog Planet, and their society is controlled by the Lizards.
  • Pink Dogs - "Pink dogs colonized the worls and now owe reprashuns to all other colors" Represent white people/Europeans.
  • Blue Dogs - "Blue dogs need dem reprashuns" Represent Black people.
  • Purple Dogs - "Purple dogs were created in a lizard lab by genetically splicing different dead dog parts."
  • Brown Dogs - "Brown dogs are like purple but they were grown in a lizard lab by splicing purple dogs"
  • Red Dogs - "Red dogs are good dogs. They always do what lizards say."
  • Yellow Dogs - "Yellow dogs sometimes eat other dogs and drive cars into walls"
  • Green Dogs - "Green dogs are lizards in disguise. Crypto-lizards"
  • Light Blue Dogs - "Light blue dogs have jobs through affirmitive actian but still need dem reprashuns"
  • Teal Dogs - "Teal dogs are Crypto-Lizard helpers"
  • Black Dogs - "Black dogs are bad dogs. Th ey never do what lizards say"
  • Grey Dogs - "grey dogs are NPC dogs. Easy to program"
  • White Dogs - "White dogs never colonized anything but still owe reprashuns"
  • Orange Dogs - "Orange dogs are sexy dogs"
  • Pastel Dogs - "Pastel dogs are magic dogs, abiding in non-dual awareness for all eternity."

Lizards are "our malicious satanic alien pedo rulers who have infiltrated every position of influence". Dogisaga wants you to believe that they are not supposed to represent Jewish people, despite the fact that they are very obviously supposed to represent Jewish people. They live on the Lizard Planet, which is an ethnoplanet.

Lizards control both the Animal World and the world we live in.

A suicidal frog.

An anime girl with dark blue skin and pink hair (or black hair and a pink outfit) that Dogisaga likes to draw a lot. Dogisaga also draws a male version of Mu sometimes.


Dogiskriptif is a conlang/alphabet created by Dogisaga. It is the official language of the Animal World, and it is also called "Animiskriptif".

Verb English Noun English
arif Will aif Day
auiaui Hello babaf In
balanaf Open baf Bad
belenaf Close bebef Out
bemaf Stay burgaf freedom
brapi Fart CakaCif Destruction
Citaf Continue daf That
fikif Sex dauaf Tool
fidif Find dolif About
fif Feel domif Own / Having
ganipif Translate duf You
ginif talk etaf Also
girubuf Welcome glinif They / Him / Her
giruf To-thank gonf food
hanif Try goutsi Wide
hapoif To-mix guCaf Idea
hauf How haif High
hidif Hide hapaf Condition / Even
honf Know / Understand ief Yes
honkif Believe ifnif Usually / Normally / Traditionally
huaCif Towards / For ii Are / Is
huaf Give iifiif Therefore / So
ijaf Stop ijainaf Lazy
ijif Leave / Go ikaf Reason / Because
ijijaf Come / Arrive inposif Never
mamaf Keep kaif If
miuf Hear kikikif Sleep
nikijif Forget louf Round
panif must mif Me
pef Small minaf Which
pinif Penetration muluf Have
pof Poop naif Less
proif Pro / Support nikif Brain
putif Put nimnof Normal / Usual / Traditional
rokidof Hit nmnmf Fun
Sif Piss nof No
Sigif Break ogif Fear
skribif Write oni On
skrikif Draw oSoSif Sometimes
sninf Smell onn Off
sonikif To-trace paf Big
susuf Martyr pafkinif Enough
takif Take paif More
takifaf Steal pairaif All
tataf Run pakaf Invaders
tatalouf Running-Around polokaf Permission
titif Choose / Pick posif Possible
ulumif Decide roukif Strong
tapalaf Use sasif Evil
takitaki Rub snif Sorry
si see tikitoki Time
nikiS Think tomof With
mamai Keep / Wait totof Other / Else
kikikimAji Dreaming uaf What
gorilion Gas uamaf From
giru Thanks uif We
giruni Thank You! unf When / During
ginikai Order unif Before
fakini Currupt / Brainwash unkif Ready
Ci Born unuf After
dakzai touch uruSipaif Thirsty
uru Want oilif Maybe
urufu Need olonof Hard
urufuru Really-need / Love alanaf Easy
keke Suffer monolof Meaning
ginin Quiet damalaf These
roukis Stubborn uibaf Our
ginis Swear-word rainof Best
aruS Help goloSif Worst
buiCiS Roll lilinif World
CiCiS Walking erf Earth
CuiS Eating lali Happy
fejiS Now uruni Nice
hapiS Happening urutamipai Hungry
huaCuS Forward! uCi Sweet
ijijaS Arrived-now tami Inside
kataS Cutting / Piercing suji Over
kikikiS Sleeping spakui Shiny
paniS Must-do Suni Everything Possible
sijiS Look! Siglai Clean
tatalouS Spinning rokiflui Bruise
sonikiS Tracing raigai pride
obex Going-to panimi Everyone
fejir Past pafini Very much / Huge Amount
hapir Happened nikonmAji Knowledge
bemau Marry moli Some
luji Under
louiti Round Flying Thing
leni Being
kaki Cuck
kakai Pain
janki Junkie
itotoki Again
ipii True
ijitaki Lose / Lost
hodoi This
asai Crime
babi Sad
benxi But
bili Alone
dobroi Good
doholoi Thing
enui Innocent
obeS At
uamaS Here
SigiS Broken
fejix Later


Please do not use these links to harass Dogisaga. Even though he believes a lot of fucked up shit, he is also very obviously mentally disturbed, and being a dick to him will probably make him even worse.