Tiling Backgrounds

Transparent Background Tile

Here are some tiling pixel backgrounds I made/stole/found that you can use for your own NeoCities websites. Hover your mouse over a background to preview it!


I made these based off of the Troll Call Cards from Hiveswap. Feel free to use them and/or recolor them, no need to credit me.

Rust Hexagon Background Tile Bronze Hexagon Background Tile Gold Hexagon Background Tile Lime Hexagon Background Tile Olive Hexagon Background Tile Jade Hexagon Background Tile Teal Hexagon Background Tile Cerulean Hexagon Background Tile Indigo Hexagon Background Tile Purple Hexagon Background Tile Violet Hexagon Background Tile Fuschia Hexagon Background Tile

Cairovercoat-Style Patterns

I made these using a base by @cairovercoat on tumblr, please credit her if you use these!


Space Aspect Background Tile (mint) Lord English Nepeta Background Tile Aradia x Sollux x Feferi Background Tile (light) Aradia x Sollux x Feferi Background Tile (dark) Vodka Mewtini Background Tile
contains rapidly flashing colorsLord English Nepeta Background Tile

2ch AA

Made using sprites from Shadok's game MANONNIKKI.

Giko x Shii Background Tile Giko x Shii Background Tile (light) Shii Background Tile (pink) Sparkly Shii Background Tile (pink)

Hello Charlotte

These use actual sprites ripped from the Hello Charlotte series.

Charlotte Background Tile Charlotte x Anri Background Tile TV Static Background Tile Students Background Tile

House of Leaves

Blue House Background Tile (light) Red House Background Tile (light) Blue House Background Tile (dark) Red House Background Tile (dark) Blue House Background Tile (paper) Red House Background Tile (paper) White House Background Tile (blue)

*hacker voice* im in

Made by me, no need to credit. The numbers are just 69 and 420 in binary code.

Dark Green Binary Code Background Tile

Lacy Velvet

These were ripped by cairovercoat from the Homestuck dream rooms, and edited/recolored to be backgrounds. You don't have to credit her for these.

Maroon Background Tile Red Background Tile Orange Background Tile Yellow Background Tile Green Background Tile Lime Background Tile Mint Background Tile Teal Background Tile Blue Background Tile Cerulean Background Tile Purple Background Tile Lavender Background Tile Pink Background Tile Salmon Background Tile Velvet Background Tile Velveter Background Tile Midnight Background Tile Malachite Background Tile Gray Background Tile Gold Background Tile

This one is based off of the cover of my favorite Nero's Day at Disneyland album.

From Rotting Fantasylands Background Tile

EarthBound Backgrounds

These are ripped from EarthBound. Shoutout to The Spriters Resource fr

EarthBound Background Tile EarthBound Plain Background Tile EarthBound Mint Background Tile EarthBound Strawberry Background Tile EarthBound Banana Background Tile EarthBound Peanut Background Tile EarthBound Cherry Background Tile


These are animated in-game using some pretty complicated code, sadly, I don't know how to recreate that sort of thing as a background image. They don't look as cool as static images, but at least this way nobody browsing your website will get seizures. Probably.

EarthBound Red Diamond Background Tile EarthBound Blue Pinwheel Background Tile EarthBound Gigyas Background Tile

If you really want to make an animated version, maybe these tools can help you!

Stolen Backgrounds

These are all ripped from miscellaneous old websites. Don't credit me if you use these.

Paper Background Tile Clover Bunny Background Tile
contains flashing gifsStarry Background Tile


These are all from places like 2ch, Futaba Channel, etc.

Brick Wall Background Tile Sprout Background Tile Mittens Background Tile

KidPix Backgrounds

These are stolen from here.

KidPix Background Tile KidPix Background Tile KidPix Background Tile KidPix Background Tile KidPix Background Tile KidPix Background Tile KidPix Background Tile KidPix Background Tile KidPix Background Tile KidPix Background Tile

Hello Charlotte Parallaxes

I ripped these files directly from Hello Charlotte. You don't have to credit me. If you want to credit someone, credit etheraine.

Scribble Background Tile Dots Background Tile Red Dots Background Tile Hello Charlotte Background Tile Hello Charlotte Background Tile Hello Charlotte Background Tile Hello Charlotte Background Tile Hello Charlotte Background Tile Hello Charlotte Background Tile Hello Charlotte Background Tile Hello Charlotte Background Tile Hello Charlotte Background Tile Hello Charlotte Background Tile Hello Charlotte Background Tile Hello Charlotte Background Tile Hello Charlotte Background Tile Hello Charlotte Background Tile Hello Charlotte Background Tile Surreal Stawberry Background Tile Glitchy Stawberry Background Tile Glitchy Stawberry Background Tile (green) Glitchy Stawberry Background Tile (blue) Torture Room Background Tile Glitchy Torture Room Background Tile Glitchy Background Tile

Where can I find more tiling backgrounds?