
     ∩_∩      ⊂u ..::;;;Uつ
    (,・Д・,,,)      ⊂ :::::;;;;;;;;っ
    ⊂    つ     ⊂ ::::;;;;;;;;⊃
      | x . |       c|  ...::;;;っ
      U'⌒'U        U'⌒'U

Pororo (ぽろろ) is a character that was originally created solely to abused. It looks like a cute bear, but its true form is a horrifying many-limbed creature that can absorb other characters into its body. Its catchphrase is "eeeeeeeeeeee".

It has become powerful because of its grudge against its abusers. But deep inside, it is conflicted between its hunger and its morals.

(       ,,・Д・,)<ぼ く は
              虐 待 さ れ る た め に
              生 ま れ て き た
                , へ_,;Ωノ; :. :  _,∩∩∩、っ
               と':〇 ;.: ・;: ,。゚ /      ヽつ
                ).lニ{ ;,.::; ;  (     ・Д ・ )⊃
               c、。';:; ・へ;:,,:. )ノ⌒ヽ、 ,ノ⌒
                ``U⌒\;);;::.・;,< ;) U
                     ヽ;,::へ /
         (・д・ )
           cuu っ
