
      ∧_∧       ∧∧__    ワテモ早ク、ツー先輩ミタクノ
    {{(;´Д`)}}   /(゚A゚* )  /\ ドンナトキモ冷静ニ 生カサズ殺サズ
     ( U U   /| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|\/  チカラヲ コントロール デキルヨウニナリタイデスワ…
     /⌒_)_)   ..| のー  |/
     "          ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  / ̄ ̄   ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄

No is a derivative of Tsuu. They were first posted on a duplicate thread, to direct people to the main thread.

No looks up to Tsuu, and refers to them "Tsuu-senpai"1. They are an athletic character, and they speak in the Kansai dialect.

Their name comes from the fact that the katakana characters for "tsu" (ツ) and "no" (ノ) look similar.

  ∧_∧      終了コピペ
  (; ´∀`)      ハッテキマシタ!
  (    )        ∧∧
  | | |        (゚A゚* ) ̄ ̄ヽ~
  (__)_)        (/(/ ̄ ̄ヽ) =3 =3

 | あ、そう。お疲れさん・・・
                (゚A゚* )
                |   ヽ

1Friendly reminder that "senpai" is just an honoriffic for someone who is your senior. Any other connotations that word may have to you probably weren't intended by the original Japanese speakers.2

2I mean, not that you can't interpret their relationship that way, if you want to. After all, this too is yuri.

           ヽ从/ Ga-shi!
          ∧_∧ ∧∧
         (  つ⊂  ヽ
          ) )) )  )~
          (_)) (/~U
                    Yay!           _
                    ∧∧           ∧∧ |_|
              ( ̄( ̄(゚A゚* )       ∩(゚∀゚*).|
         人人人 / / /⊂ ヽ       ヽ    ⊃ Great job!!
       >    ∧_∧ /⊂) _ノ~        |  |
        > ⊂(´Д` ;)つ (/           し `J
                              Wow, what a surprise!
                                  ∧ ∧  ___
                          ∧∧     (゚∀゚*) /  / ))
             /⌒⌒ヽ        ( *゚A゚)    (l  ⊃/  ̄
       ・・・・  ∧_∧  (_        /  |     |  |ハ
          ⊂(´Д` )⊃ つ     ~(,,,,UU     .U~U゙
                       I'm an athletic guy,
