Aramaki Scarchinov

/ ,' 3  `ヽーっ
l   ⊃ ⌒_つ

Aramaki Scarchinov (荒巻スカルチノフ) is a cute seal-like blob character. He doesn't do much other than just vibe.

Other characters sometimes try to eat him because he looks like a delicious salted salmon. When this happens, he usually puffs up and turns into a fluffy furball.

       ヾ  ,'3     彡
       ミ         ミ  
       彡        ミ
       /ソ,, , ,; ,;;:、ヾ` 

Aramaki Scarchinov: Origins

The story of how Aramaki Scarchinov became a meme is long and complex. He's actually a derivative of several other characters that were popular on 2channel for a time.


│Tama  River│
⌒~⌒~⌒~/  ´・ω)ミ⌒~⌒~
~⌒~⌒~⌒~ U彡~⌒~⌒~⌒

In August of 2002, a bearded seal was spotted in the Tama River. The seal made national news, and was dubbed Wikipedia.

Nuruko Pop and Hitahita

    l 」 /⌒ヽ           /⌒ヽ
    ∥/  =゚ω゚)        / ´_ゝ`)  Sorry, I'm just passing through.
    ⊂ノ   /つ         |    /
     ( ヽノ              | /| |
      ノ>ノ  ヒタヒタ       // | |
. 三  しU             U  U

2channel users made AA art of Tama-chan walking upright on land, which soon became its own character, known as Hitahita. Hitahita was often seen chasing Nuruko Pop (a similar AA character, who may or may not also be based on Tama-chan) with a knife.


    |l  |l l |l | |i
   |i  l |i l| li  |
    _,,..,,n,r'゙ <⌒つ
   ./ ゚ 3  ヽ )´   
 ) l ゚ ll ∩ ノ そ
Σ `'ー---‐''  (
  ⌒ヽ/V⌒v、/⌒ Bidaaan!!!!

/ ,' 3  `ヽーっ
l   ⊃ ⌒_つ

This AA of Hitahita falling and slamming onto the ground, known as "bidaaan", became its own meme, and was eventually developed into the character of Aramaki Scarchinov.

                                 、ヽ l / ,
                                =     =
                               ニ=  But  -=
  、、 l | /, ,                           ニ= even =ニ
 .ヽ     ´´,                      =-. then, -=
.ヽ. Aramaki ニ.                      ニ Aramaki ニ
=    still  .=ニ                     r.  …  ヽ`
.ニ continued -=                       ´/小ヽ`
=    to do  .-=             _,,..,,,,_
ニ  nothing. =ニ     、,  ,,, 、,,  ./ ,' 3/⌒ヽ-、_   、 ,,  @
/,         ヽ、         、,   /l.  /____/   n  ヽ|ノ,,
 /     ヽ、    @   ,,, 、,,  ̄,, ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄,, ̄   ,,, 、,,
 / / 小 \       ヽ|ノ 、、,  ,, 、,,   , "  ,,  、、, ,,

Aramaki Disease

Aramaki Disease is a dangerous illness that causes the victim's body to become like Aramaki Scarchinov's. The victim becomes drowsy, leading to falling asleep and becoming unable to move as they develop a permanent ,' 3 face.

It can be contracted by becoming too lazy, or by being too close to other people who have been infected with the disease. It often occurs in Yukkuri as a result of taking things too easy.

It should not be confused with Hanahaki Disease.

(´・ω・)      キキーッ!
O┬O )
◎┴し'-◎ ≡   _,,..,,,,_
         ./ ,' 3  `ヽーっ
         l   ⊃ ⌒_つ
      ∧_∧  ズルズル…
      /  つ/ ,' 3  `ヽーっ )))
      し―-,l   ⊃ ⌒_つ )))
      ∧_∧ ムシャムシャ
      /つi'" ,' 3  `ヽーっ
      し-,l   ⊃ ⌒_つ
         :(;゙゚'ω゚'): ピクピク
         :/ つとl:
         :しー-J :
         . . .   . .
        :<⌒ヽ--つ: バタンッ!
         . . .   . .
        :<⌒ヽ--つ: )) クルッ
         ./ ,' 3  `ヽーっ
         l   ⊃ ⌒_つ
          _...-'''´             ^゙''ー-....,,_
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           ゙̄''''''―ー--....,,,,____     ______,,,,......-―'‐'''' ̄´
                      ̄~~~~~~ ̄^
