
  ((( )))
  (´Д`; ) eew, it's disgusting~
  / つ1 _つ
  人  Y

>>1-san (>>1さん) is a representation of >>1, the original poster who is responsible for every thread on 2ch. It's similar to the concept of "OP" on Reddit or 4chan.

The ((( ))) on >>1-san's head is his hair, by the way.

>>1-san slander:

>>1-san's unused brain parts

This copypasta was originally created to mock some >>1 that made a dumbass take. It became a hilarious meme and people have even made different versions of it.

We are >>1's unused brain parts. We're sorry that >>1 totally missed the point of this thread. We tried to warn the cut&paste lobe, but it went brazenly on, totally missing the point of the thread in its zeal to post a years-old piece of stupidity that has been totally drained of funny and is now a dried out husk of stupidity. In fact, we unused lobes suspect that the cut&paste lobe may have been trying to be ironic in posting something that was both unfunny and off-topic. We are currently attempting to reroute bloodflow through >>1's brain so that the more intelligent parts can once again take command and make >>1 into a valuable member of society. Wish us luck. Godspeed!

>>1-san VS Hattoushin Mona

                              |  >>1-san!
                             ∠  ハァハァ・・・
                           / ) \________
                    ∧_∧  / /
                    ( *´Д`) / /
                  /    _二ノ
                 //   ミ クイックイッ / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
                (_二二づ_∧  。o ・・・ eew, it's touching my neck ・・・
                 /   ( *´Д`)   \
           -=≡ /⌒(  ヽノ⌒ヽ/\      ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
    -=≡ ./⌒ヽ,  /    \ \ \\ ヽ/⌒ヽ,
   -=≡  /   |_/__i.ノ ,へ _  /  )/\\/  .| /ii
   -=≡ ノ⌒二__ノ_人乂 ̄| / i / .\ヽ  |./ |i               (( ( )))
  -=≡ ()二二)― ||二)  ヽ_) / / / / ()二 し二) ―||二)        -=≡(Д`;  )
  -=≡ し|  | \.||     ( ヽ_(_つ  |   |\ ||          -=≡ / つ_つ
   -=≡  i  .|  ii      ヽ、つ       i   |  ii          -=≡ 人  Y
    -=≡ ゙、_ ノ               ゙、 _ノ           -=≡ し'(_)

The rivalry between >>1-san and the Hattoushin Monas is legendary. It all started when some >>1 made a thread about how they thought Hattoushin Monas were gross. Other 2ch users thought it would be funny to fill the thread with AA art of >>1-san getting chased by Hattoushin Monas.

gay rape as slapstick               ∧_∧
              (    )
────-㎜────/   \────────
       \\   //\   \
..        \\//   \   \
          \/      ) ∴)ヾ)
                  /  / ⌒ヽ
                  /  /| |   |←>>1
                  / / .∪ / ノ
                 / / . | ||
                ( ´|   ∪∪
                 | |   | |
                 | |   | |
                 | |   | |
                 | |   | |
               (´ ノ  (´ ノ



   WWWW           wwww
  ( ´∀`)         ( ´∀`)  Hattoushin Monas?
  (    )         / つ  つ
  | | |         人  Y
  (__)_)        し(__)

>>2-san (>>2さん) is a character who is the opposite of >>1-san. He loves Hattousin Monas and tries to chase them, but they find him disgusting and run away from him.
